Rachel collected $448,276.79 through election day from monetary and in-kind donations.
- The P7 report was ammended after the initial report to include an additional 11 contributions
- Download differences in P7
- Is the campaign treasurer really that haphazard in reporting or is the campain squeezing in additional contributions before the primary?
- There are a total number of 592 donations
- Donations from HD 36 by zip code total $26,865 from 93 donors, 6.0% of total
- Donations from Talahassee total $226,625 from 147 donors, 50.6% of total
- Donations from Lobbyists and Firms - $38,600 from 62 donations, 8.6% of total
- Donations from Political Committees - $132,119 from 137 donations, 29.5 % of total
- Republican Party donations:
- Florida House Republican Campaign Committee - $84,235, 18.8% of total
- Republican Party of Florida - $34,490, 7.7% of total
- Notable donations:
- Christopher Dorworth - $1,000
- Rebekah Dorworth - $1,000
Who will Rachel be working for in Tallahassee?
Rachel's Expenses
- Rachel has reimbursed herself $25,713.73 through 02/06/2023
- $10,100 loan repayment
- $750 Reimbursement for event sponsorship - no itemization
- $7,966 Reimbursement for campaign expenses - no itemization
- $120 Luncheon reimbursement
- $4,055.54 Reimbursement - no itemization
- $2,722.19 Campain work - Sign assembly
Rachel Plakon Contributions Thru 20221103
Rachel Plakon Expenses Thru 20230206